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发布时间:2016-06-18 13:19:51           责任编辑:镇江枫叶           点击次数:3800

Donor Letter from the USA

2016年61日和2日两天,镇江枫叶国际公司初小学八九年级的学生参加第一届全英文科学展。在这次活动中,其中一个小组的主题是“拯救鲸鱼”,全英文展示了在如今日益恶化的环境下,鲸鱼如何受到严重危害。这一组的成员通过活动引起大家对于鲸鱼现状的关注,并且当天组织了自愿捐款活动,共筹集捐款403元。活动结束后,在外教老师Mr. D的帮助下,他们以公司的名义将筹集的捐款捐赠给了美国一个“鲸鱼保护组织”。此组织致力于改善鲸鱼的现状。


During our Middle School Science Fair held on June 1st and June 2nd, one of the groups had chosen to talk about whales, and how they are being negatively impacted by our degrading environmental situation. As a way to help, this group not only raised awareness of these issues through their project, but also asked for donations to be given to an organization whose goal is to improve the situation for the whales. Here is a letter addressed to the students who contributed on behalf of our school, and a great example of how we can encourage our students to be the change they want to see in the world.


黎梓媛Lydia, 陈泽天Kris, 朱浩文Even, 戴元浩Aaron, 万文娟Virginia, 董佳怡Michelle, 许卜文Rachel

文:Mr. D, 董莉

图:Mr. D
